Clean air is an asset.
We can make stink stop. Delete it.
Yep, that’s a thing!
The good news is that improving the quality of the air we breathe indoors also makes it cleaner. Cleaner indoor air has been shown to drive 6-9% improvements in human performance. Focusing improvement efforts on indoor air quality benefits every stakeholder, and it is also highly valued by employees.
IAQ is critical for young children developing language, listening, cognitive, visual memory, and other skills that will be foundational for the rest of their lifelong learning journeys. In older learners, multiple studies show that improving IAQ also drives improvements in test scores.
“Where has indoor air been in that conversation? And the pandemic showed what a glaring mistake that was.”
“The original failure of the pandemic was to miss airborne transmission …
Think about the public health gains we have made in the past 100 years. We’ve made improvements to water quality, outdoor air pollution, our food safety. We’ve made improvements to sanitation, the absolute basics of public health. Where has indoor air been in that conversation? And the pandemic showed what a glaring mistake that was.”
Dr. Joseph Allen
Harvard, HT Chan School of Public Health

Successfully changing “Stink” or Stinky”, to “Stunk”, since 2022.
ODOGard – patented odor-eliminating treatment for HEPA filter traps smells as they pass through treated filter media permanently bonding to odors and eliminating them.
• 100% Biodegradable
• 100% Water Soluble
• Non-Toxic & Non-Irritant – Oral, Dermal & Eye
• Replaces existing filters, no special requirements

Breathing Better
Indoor air quality is on average five (5) times worse than outdoor air. Our mission is to make indoor air like the very best outdoor air.
In fact, elements of our arsenal are modeled after natures processes. Plus removing VOCs. particulates, mold spores, and other allergens can be life changing for occupants with respiratory issues.
Managing Disease Transmission
Keeping indoor environments safe from infectious disease and microbial transmission is our core business. Flu happens. Pandemics happen. Improving Indoor Air Quality is our mission.
“Asthma costs the U.S. economy more than $80 billion annually in medical expenses, missed work and school days and deaths.”
Jan 12, 2018, Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

Better Air
Moisture issues, sick building syndrome, VOCs in clinical and scientific environments? Common challenges that can have health and human performance impacts.
Who is most impacted:
Our youngest learners.
We make breathing better.™
A comprehensive set of tools to minimize the risk of infectious disease transmission for staff, students, patients, and guests. You can’t deliver quality work when you’re not there (physically and mentally). When people breathe better absenteeism goes down and human performance improves. Clean air has a business benefit.
We minimize exposure to both pathogens and risk while improving indoor air quality.
MEDformance Markets

We help Head Start programs, K-12, and colleges and universities implement proactive, technology enabled approaches to managing disease transmission, improving indoor air quality, and eliminating odors.

Hospitals, surgery centers, IVF clinics, oncology, wound care, physicians offices, nursing, rehab, assisted living, memory care, long-term care, labs, dental, pharmacy, dialysis centers … all with unique air quality and/or odor issues.

Indoor Agricultural
Indoor grow operations have unique challenges with IAQ. High humidity exacerbates problems with fungals and potential for cross pollination that can degrade or destroy crops. High RH also decimates charcoal filter effectiveness.

Horses, cows, pigs, chickens, and pets all get sick. When infectious disease moves in a stable, stall, pen, kennel, or coop the financial impacts can be significant. Solutions for keeping animals breathing better, too.

Now, more than ever, property owners and managers are “air quality aware”. 62% of 3,000 U.S and Canadian office workers surveyed in 2021 said that clean, pure, healthy air was the most important workplace consideration.