Safer Air. Cleaner Air.
Better breathing.
Better healthcare.
MEDformance Safer Solutions™ is a comprehensive layered solution set that most effectively mitigates the risk of disease transmission while improving air quality for patients and staff.

Exposure to disinfectants and cleaning products are associated with a 25-38% increased risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among health care workers?
An innovative layered approach to simultaneously improving both infectious disease control capability and indoor air quality.
Safer Air – Deactivate and destroy viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens (including mycotoxins) in 0.002 seconds.
Cleaner Air – Significantly reduce respiratory irritants, asthma triggers (pollen, pollutants, particulates, VOCs), and odors.

Better Air Benefits Everyone
Further reduce the risk of HAIs and SSIs + improve human performance by improving indoor air quality.
Reduced nosocomial respiratory infection case counts by an average of 72% across nine separate studies.
The Business Value of Better Air.
Air touches everything. So it is logical that the impacts of better air are also pervasive. Improved air quality in healthcare environments effects many metrics rolling up into the healthcare executive’s dashboard.
- Patients recover more quickly and heal more completely when their pulmonary performance is optimized.
- Improved air quality improves human performance: Better decision making. Improved coordination. Fewer medical errors.
- Reducing VOCs improves the long-term pulmonary prognosis for nursing and environmental services staff. (The data is clear, it will harm staff.) 1
1. “In a cohort study of 73,262 US female nurses participating in the Nurses’ Health Study II who were followed up from 2009 to 2015, occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants was significantly associated with a 25% to 38% increased risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease independent of asthma and smoking.”

Clinical Metrics
HAIs, SSIs, Readmissions … Nosacomial RI’s down over 70% across eight studies with NanoStrike® air disinfection and purification.( No VOC reduction strategies in place).
Business Impacts
Optimizing a healthcare facility’s air quality creates benefits that touch virtually every patient, staff member, department, and functional area.
ROI from Air?
After separating the various features of a workplace relating to improved hygiene and health, we asked the respondents to choose which one was most important to them now. Clean, pure and healthy air came out on top at 62%.
Survey of 3,000 employed adults across the U.S. and Canada by Ambius – See Results
Patients that breathe better heal better.
Clinicians and caregivers that breathe better deliver higher quality care and make fewer errors.
Deactivate and destroy viruses, bacteria, mold, spores, pollen, pollutants, particulates, and VOCs.

“… poor indoor air quality in buildings can decrease productivity in addition to causing visitors to express dissatisfaction. The size of the effect on most aspects of office work performance appears to be as high as 6-9%.

Waste Anesthetic Gases: Effects of exposure to low concentrations.
Although some studies report no adverse health effects from long-term exposure to low concentrations of waste anesthetic gases, several studies have linked such exposure to miscarriages, genetic damage, and cancer among operating-room workers. Studies have also reported miscarriages in the spouses of exposed workers and birth defects in their offspring. Therefore, NIOSH is concerned about worker exposures to these gases and recommends controls to prevent exposures.”
CDC/National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health

The Defend 400 is an FDA cleared medical device that inactivates aerosolized viruses, bacteria, and fungi, and purifies the air of particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), gases and odors.
The Defend 400’s NanoStrike® capability deactivates and airborne pathogens, and with MERV 13, and Camfil G4 charcoal/molecular filtration it is also effective as a scavenging system for waste anesthetic gases and surgical smoke.

Total Destruction of Airborne Pathogens at the Source + Clean Air
Airborne transmission of pathogens drive HAI and SSI case counts. Designed for air challenged environments:

- ER/Trauma
- Oncology
- IVF Clinics
- Organ Transplant
- Hematology
- Wound Care/Burns
- Ambulatory Care
- Long-Term Care
- Physician Offices
- Exam Rooms
- Neonatal
- Waiting & Admissions
- ICUs
- Dialysis
- Labs
- ORs
- Patient Wards
- Blood Services
- Procedure Rooms
- Morgue
- Surgery
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