Microbial & Viral Transmission Risk Management
MEDformance Safer Solutions ™
Breathing clean is breathing better.
Most Americans spend 90% of their time indoors. Yet poor indoor air quality is a pervasive problem affecting health and academic, athletic, and work performance.
But responding to the Infection Control requirements that COVID-19 interjected into our world had an upside: We learned how to leverage hospital-proven technologies and chemistries to be effective at controlling viruses and bacteria in indoor environments, which also yields significantly better air quality, improved health, performance, and dramatic reductions in asthma triggers and COPD risks.
Making Clean Safer.

25 – 38% increase in risk for developing COPD with “Regular Use” of disinfectants.
5% of childhood cancers and 30% of childhood asthma are related to chemical exposures
50% of workers comp asthma cases in California are associated with disinfectant use and exposure
Covalently Bonded ion-Charged Carbon Swords
Healthcare & Commercial
Infection Control Solutions
One element of a layered approach is to turn surfaces into electro-mechanical killing fields for pathogens, microbes, mold, fungi, and biofilms.

Surface Treatments
“It’s not instead of regular cleaning. But it’s the idea of putting on a surface. It’s something that gives you a baseline. A baseline of protection.”
Dr. Marc Seigel, Fox News Contributor

Safe Disinfectants
Safe chemistries that are up to 99.999% effective – one is a botanical, the other is the same chemical that your body produces to kill pathogens and microbes. It is also on
EPA’s List-N List N: Disinfectants for
Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Active + Passive Air Purification Technologies
Layered IAQ. Proprietary PCO cell construction for longer life + greater efficacy. BPI actively seeks out and deactivates bio aerosolized airborne pathogens, microbes, fungi & spores, and other allergens. ODARgard treated filters destroy smell & remove more VOC’s.
Keeping it clean.
The new normal.
Healthcare facilities, businesses, schools, et. al. understand the potential risk of not moving proactively to reduce the transmission of those little things that can smell bad and make us sick.

Non-Toxic & Bonds to Virtually all Surfaces
Guaranteed non-toxic, United States EPA Safer Choice standard. Risk assessments by independent scientific bodies constantly reconfirm the safety and efficacy of our antimicrobial surface treatment solutions.

Disinfectants & Sanitizers
Hospital-Grade and made with organic ingredients that are recognized as GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) by the EPA. Made in the USA. Works great on glass and stainless steel, porous and non-porous surfaces; RTU (Ready-To-Use), and it even repels pests!

Professional Services
Complete guidance and support for application by your Infection Control or Environmental Services teams, or our expert cleaners and application specialists can do it for you.
“… a significant and persistent reduction in surface contamination.”
“We determined using traditional culture methods in combination with bio-luminescent ATP technology, that the terminal cleaning process was inadequate in reducing bacterial surface contamination on selective operating room surfaces. We found that 100% of OR surfaces were culture positive with heavy bacterial contamination.”
“We found that with a single application of MicrobeCare there was a significant and persistent long-term reduction in OR surface contamination. “
MicrobeCare Makes the World Cleaner
Parasol™ Medical looked at the problem of surface contamination for stethoscopes through the lens of a medical device manufacturer. The result: A persistent and effective way to mitigate the risk of surface transmission of most pathogens.
Parosol stethoscopes represent bleeding-edge audio technology for cardiologists. The first and still the only antimicrobial stethoscope in the world.
Safer Disinfectants and Sanitizers
In the next five years many more new products will enable more intelligent ways to help control the spread of viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew, and fungi.
Use the button below to learn more about how we can make your facilities safer for patients, customers, workforces, stakeholders, and students.